Smoke protection for furniture

Protect your furniture with Sanisafe Smoke Protection - robust, flameproof and easy to clean. Perfect for smokers and workplaces where smoking is allowed.


Sanisafe Smoke Protection – Shield for Furniture and Surfaces from Burn Damage

Sanisafe Smoke Protection is designed to protect furniture, chairs, and other surfaces from burn damage and cigarette embers. Made from durable fiberglass, this protective barrier is both flame-resistant and robust, ensuring it won’t puncture or ignite if a cigarette is left on it. Ideal for environments where smoking occurs, it safeguards furniture and surroundings from burn marks and damage.

Problem It Solves
The smoke shield acts as a protective barrier against cigarettes, eliminating the risk of embers or ash damaging furniture and other surfaces. This helps preserve smoke-friendly environments without burn marks.


  • Dimensions: W90 x L180 cm
  • Weight: 750 g
  • Material: Fiberglass and silica gel
  • Color: Silver-gray
  • Cleaning: Wipe with mild soap solution and air dry


  • High Flame Resistance due to fiberglass and silica gel materials.
  • Effective Protection for furniture and surfaces in environments where smoking is allowed.
  • Easy to Clean and Reusable, making it long-lasting and cost-effective.
  • Flame Spread Tested according to NT Fire 029 and follows guidelines in SS876 00 01.

Who It’s For
Sanisafe Smoke Protection is ideal for smokers or workplaces where smoking is permitted, where preserving furniture is essential. Whether used in the home, office, or public spaces, it offers a practical and safe way to prevent burn damage.

Sanisafe Smoke Protection is tested and complies with EU Medical Device Directives MDR 2017/745 and 2007/47/EC, ensuring high safety and quality standards.

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