Anti-slip outdoor stairs Black/yellow
Anti-Slip Tape Roll Black/Yellow – Safety for Outdoor Steps and Slip-Prone Areas
Our high-performance anti-slip tape in the warning color combination of black and yellow is an effective solution for reducing the risk of slipping and falling, especially on outdoor steps and other slip-prone surfaces. Its clear warning color not only signals danger but also provides an extra layer of protection to prevent accidents. Perfect for enhancing safety in areas that are often exposed to moisture or uneven surfaces.
Features and Benefits:
• Reduces the risk of slipping and falling on outdoor steps, boat decks, ladders, patios, and other hazardous locations.
• The black/yellow warning color makes the surrounding area aware of potential hazards.
• Creates a safe and stable surface, ideal for preventing slip accidents, especially in wet or icy conditions.
• Size: 10 cm x 5 m
• Color: Black/yellow warning color
• Material: Durable and weather-resistant, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
• Outdoor steps
• Ladders
• Boat decks and gangways
• Patios and terraces
• Any area where slip risk exists
Installation Instructions:
With our anti-slip tape, you can create a safer environment, reduce the risk of slip accidents, and increase awareness of hazardous surfaces. The tape is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and others, whether on outdoor steps or in other areas where slipping is a concern.
Som läkare och arbetsterapeut har vi en djup förståelse för behoven och utmaningarna som människor kan stöta på i sin vardag. Det är vår övertygelse att rätt hjälpmedel kan göra en betydande skillnad i människors liv. Det är denna övertygelse som har drivit oss att starta Ramlainte och erbjuda en handplockad samling av hjälpmedel som är noggrant utvalda med fokus på funktionalitet, kvalitet och användarvänlighet.
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